Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
2003-12-31 My year in review
2003-12-30 Snow on Bainbridge Island
Surprised by iChat
2003-12-29 Uh, I've discovered MacPython
2003-12-28 Bob's Rants
2003-12-27 Location specific, interface dependent firewalling
How to move your Outlook address book to the Mac
2003-12-26 The Return of the King
2003-12-25 A Christmas reading
2003-12-24 How to get remote X clients to work X11.app
2003-12-23 Developers and customers: its about closing the feedback loop
Changing workspace directories in Eclipse on Mac OS X
Test Driven Development: By Example
My visit to #joiito
Broke 100,000
2003-12-22 Bluetooth vs PhoneValet
psync on Panther
xchm on OS X
2003-12-21 Solutions for voice mail?
Coffeehouses as the internet of the Enlightenment
2003-12-20 Language buzzings
2003-12-19 Python refactoring recommendations wanted
2003-12-18 The book is real!
More on babies and waiting
2003-12-17 A worthy cause
On having babies
Category conflicts
2003-12-16 1and1 Equals?
2003-12-15 Now iSight enabled
2003-12-14 Marvellous neighbors
2003-12-13 Cold and Quiet
What could have been
2003-12-12 More Mac software
My hometown paper has an RSS feed
2003-12-11 Groovy 1.0beta
Meeting people is surprising
Chandler now building on Panther
2003-12-09 Python on .NET can go fast
Adventures with XChatAqua
2003-12-08 CVS woes
Intel open sources "Probabilistic Networks Library"
2003-12-07 Gnuserv for Mac OS X Emacs
More Powerbook thoughts, Day 13
2003-12-06 I'm feeling kind of lucky
2003-12-05 On site at OSAF Day 5
2003-12-04 On site at OSAF Day 4
2003-12-03 On site at OSAF Day 3
2003-12-02 On site at OSAF Day 2
2003-12-01 On site at OSAF, Day 1 (and 0)
Catching up, or I hate shopping
[22:57] | [] | # | TB | F | G | 0 Comments | Other blogs commenting on this post
2003-11 [22:57] | [] | # | TB | F | G | 0 Comments | Other blogs commenting on this post
2003-10 [22:57] | [] | # | TB | F | G | 0 Comments | Other blogs commenting on this post
2003-09-30 CLR multimethod dispatch
Stutz on The Failure of Shrinkwrap Software
No BloggerCon for me
2003-09-29 First ApacheCon discount deadline is tomorrow
Monocultural oops.
2003-09-28 The 5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers
2003-09-27 Computers, monocultures, and history
2003-09-26 Apple Laptop share rising
My recollections of Dan Geer
2003-09-25 T-Shirt memories
2003-09-24 Eclipse CVS and SSH
Query language + Data annotation = Microcontent cuisinart
How to use authority
2003-09-23 Greenspun redux
And Ben Hyde might be there, too
Open source, irrelevance, and Sun
Raw pages done
2003-09-22 Anders on Virtual and Contracts
2003-09-21 Java is the SUV of programming tools
2003-09-20 Jon Udell on Measuring
2003-09-19 Push me pull you
2003-09-18 On DeanSpace
StAX + XMLBeans == Java XML APIs
2003-09-17 One reason why hackability (and forkability) is good
2003-09-16 The XMLBeans journey begins...
ApacheCon 2003
Let my people fork...
2003-09-15 Embrace and Extend
2003-09-14 Feed algebras
GNOME Storage
2003-09-13 I don't want to read your damned source code
Bandwidth Problem? What bandwidth problem?
I've Reverted too
2003-09-12 Take a Stand Against the Madness
Back after outage
2003-09-11 Growing a Language
librsync: basis for next generation RSS distribution?
XML Tools from all over
2003-09-10 Tools galore
2003-09-09 Contempt of Consumer: It's a Real Crime
XML Phones
2003-09-08 More on amateurization, er, empowerment
2003-09-07 Web services: contracts and coupling
DRM destroys value - it destroys the customer relationship
2003-09-06 Apprenticeship in a Software Studio
Open source and mass amateurisation
Macros vs byte code manipulation
2003-09-05 tribe.net
Macros and Continuations
Python 2.3 .chm files
2003-09-04 Support the Mozilla foundation
Galax: An Implemenation of XQuery (in OCaml)
2003-09-03 Methods vs files
Back to the Futurists
An Underwriters Laboratories for software
2003-09-02 Hackers and Painters redux
Smalltalk Omnibus, the Avi Bryant edition
The Karma won't go
2003-09-01 One-man shops vs open source
DTS ain't got nothing on blogs...
Lantern illuminates XPath
More on continuation based web servers
[22:57] | [] | # | TB | F | G | 0 Comments | Other blogs commenting on this post
2003-08-31 Checked exceptions vs Unchecked Exceptions + Tests
Comments as metadata
Who's it?
2003-08-30 Tagging conventions for microcontent
Dynamic language omnibus
Categorical indirection
Rating conferences
2003-08-29 Guiding the near future and rechecking the past
REPL's and data structures
2003-08-28 "Cuddled elses"
REPL's revisited
Wiki's and good vs bad people.
Software product liability
2003-08-27 FOAF confluence
What do you mean a device driver in Lisp? (Actually Dylan)
Yep, time to stop copying
More on libraries
Dynamic explorations
Alma mater news
2003-08-26 Dynamic languages, virtual machines, information clients, and more
It's not just the langauge, it's the libraries
Secure E-mail
Weblog Omnibus
Aggregator List updated
NetNewsWire 1.0.4 Final has shipped...
2003-08-25 HP demonstrates structure enhanced blogs
Sometimes you don't have to reinvent the wheel
GnuPG 1.2.3
2003-08-24 Interruptions
Time-boxing is good
How Tivo is using open source
Python good enough to replace VB
2003-08-23 FeedDemon 1.0B4 is out
Syntax Matters
Python and Ruby compared and contrasted
The dynamic language meme is accelerating
2003-08-22 Artima Buzz and User Mode Linux
Resumable Exceptions
NetNewsWire 1.0.4b3 is out!
2003-08-21 I've already made "old fart"
Python and Gtk
On the language front...
2003-08-20 Why are we doing this?
Wi-Fi Ferry at last
subverting subversion
What is OpenDoc?
I still want OpenDoc...
2003-08-19 That's *Trustworthy* computing
We need compound documents
XML omnibus: demystification, RelaxNG, Postel's law
Hjelsberg on Checked Exceptions, Java and C#
2003-08-18 Straighten Up and Fly Right
We Can't Even Glimpse the Potential
Macro quickies
2003-08-17 UK Matrix Revolutions Trailer
Get me an intellectual roach motel...
We reserve the right to refuse service...
New Aggregator versions
2003-08-16 The power grid and the moon
Blaster causes MS blogstorm...
Innovation and Sustainability with Gold Cards
ASF Newsletter #1
Old connections
My current project unveiled...
2003-08-15 Bloggercon and counter-googling
Count me in
RDF, Meta-models and Lisp
Java quickies: WebWork2, GenJar
Ruby quickies
What do they do at the Lisp Conference, revisited
2003-08-14 One page aggregators and Enclosure Aggregators
RSS advertising and respect
Experimenting in groups: the quiet voices
I like compliments...
More ZeroConf / Rendezvous
2003-08-13 The 6 W's of Standards
Lisp 2003 = Lisp 1982
Python Pitfalls
Vault and Cyclone
Good books online
2003-08-12 Jury duty concluded
2003-08-11 The List Mom is Dead! -- Community Evolution
2003-08-10 Paul Graham: Filters that Fight Back
2003-08-09 Thoughts on Presence
Give me the whole thing
2003-08-08 Lisp Quickie
2003-08-07 Blogging curtailed by jury duty
Herlihy and VM's
2003-08-06 A killer app for RSS
JinSitu - Interactive introspection environment for Java and Jython.
Article URLs week conclusion
2003-08-05 Software development and foundations
New Releases
Faceted classification != backlinks
"Maybe they'll fix it in the next release, and it will be worth what I paid for it"
How to WikiWork
2003-08-04 Developing a Business Ethic
Richard Kelsey Week, day 4
Wiki highs and lows
Firebird and Thunderbird: high velocity
2003-08-03 I want something new, too
"What he said"
Richard Kelsey week, day 3
Howl redux
2003-08-02 Virtual Machine bits
Lao Tzu on leadership
Python Warts revised
2003-08-01 Multiple categorization again
Article URLs week
It's Richard Kelsey week
Python Standard Libraries broken down by version
pyblosxom 0.8rc1
The blogging process and building community
Another blogger in the house
Rendezvous/ZeroConf for the rest of us
[22:57] | [] | # | TB | F | G | 0 Comments | Other blogs commenting on this post
2003-07-31 mod_pubsub...
Open Source quickies
Python 2.3 and MacOS X
2003-07-30 Microcontent quickies
DAV client cache == good
CPS in Parrot
X# is real....
Timewarp debugging revisited
2003-07-29 Ben Hyde on identity
More Text Summarization
Tool quickies
2003-07-28 Blog Change Bot
2003-07-27 Caching Subversion
Use Cases need Aspects too
Son of Napster
Permalink Cruft
2003-07-26 Neat subscription hack
Adam Bosworth is blogging
2003-07-25 DEVONThink and libots
The Logical File System
2003-07-24 AOStA
Timewarp debugging
How to hire the "A-Team"
Lucene searches on source code
2003-07-23 Patrick is singing my song
Tinderbox and Microcontent
FOAF, RSS and Dashboard
Python and Eclipse
The aggregator gauntlet
WebLogic Aspect framework: embrace and ...?
2003-07-22 Who Wants to Program a Low-Level Linux Driver?
Jorgen goes to Redmond
So now loose coupling is good...
ApacheCon 2003 Call for Participation
2003-07-21 Microcontent infrastructure
Inaugural microcontent quickies
FOAF day
2003-07-20 The game has changed
2003-07-19 Hitting the categorization wall
Calendaring microcontent
Dashboard text indexer details
Thought Leaders vs Market Leaders
Lisp Quickies
Open source really works -- can we figure out how to pay it?
OpenOffice is now scriptable using Python
2003-07-18 Eclipse 3.0M2 is out
More food for microcontent
2003-07-17 java.net
Mozilla Patronage?
IRC Channel rules
Test-first is a command line interpreter for non-interactive languages
Is Python crufty?
2003-07-16 Find me someone interesting
Open source and foundations
Sam on planting seeds
Thanks, Dave
2003-07-14 Dan Sugalski on high end language features
Eclipse for Smalltalk?!
2003-07-13 Shoot second and ask questions first
Commodity Software is a Business Opportunity for Service Companies
2003-07-12 New pages for gzip and user agent id reports
Another swimmer puts his toe in the pond
What is the value behind building open source?
You need to process real data to find interesting errors. Not just types
"We have no appetite for it"
Distributed Computing Economics
We Need More Innovation
Java is the new COBOL
JCP: Innovation versus consolidation
OSCON: Robert Lefkowitz "The Missing Open Source Projects"
2003-07-11 OSCON: Sean Moriarty "Why Ticketmaster Hires Open Source Programmers and Sponsors Open Source Development"
OSCON: Friday Keynotes
OSCON: Grab Bag
OSCON: Chris Pine "Understanding Ruby's Object Model"
OSCON: Mitchell Baker, Katie Capps Parlante, Andy Hertzfeld, Chao Lam "Chandler: An Open Source Personal Information Manager"
OSCON: Lisa Wolfisch, Terry Bollinger, Patrick J. Moran "Open Source Projects in the US Government"
OSCON: Panel "Bill of Rights for Web Services"
2003-07-10 Yukihiro Matsumoto: "The Power and Philosophy of Ruby"
OSCON: Mitchell Kapor "Open Source on the Mainstream Desktop"
OSCON: Grab Bag
OSCON: Panel "Open Development and Commercial Business Models"
OSCON: Robert Lefkowitz "Protecting the Innovation Premium"
2003-07-09 OSCON: Dana Moore "Subversion from Within: Python in a Java World"
OSCON: Paul Buck "Eclipse: An open source tool framework for the enterprise"
OSCON: Tim O'Reilly "The Open Source Paradigm Shift"
2003-07-08 Mobility and full feeds
OSCON: Arrived and blogging
OSCON: Adaptive Blogging BOF
A distributed, human-edited blogsearch
Microcontent / Adaptive Blogosphere / OpenDoc
2003-07-07 OSCON Wiki
The Lure of Data or Internet ADD or Multitasking, the new speed
Jason, Andy, and the JCP
2003-07-06 Tracking back
Organic system evolution
The JCP. Again.
Langauge research isn't dead
Languages, tools, and open source
More dashboard
2003-07-05 Eric Avenue Series
FeedDemon 1.0beta2
If RSS aggregators are TiVo for blogs
2003-07-04 Extreme Mobility
Curly braces are the blue pill
XMLBeans going open source
Let the music play
Feedster it
I love a parade
Please welcome Wilhelm Fitzpatrick
2003-07-03 The atoms of weblogs
More network aware application candidates
All Software Should Be Network Aware
2003-07-02 Necho feed here
2003-07-01 Carlos quickies
"design patterns" for groups
Mark declares himself persona non-grata
[22:57] | [] | # | TB | F | G | 0 Comments | Other blogs commenting on this post
2003-06-30 Python Quickies
Tagsoup, NekoHTML
Lisp Quickies
Why my aggregator is in the top 5 most used apps
2003-06-28 XML PMC
Back to the JCP
Changing the game in music
Alas vacation.
2003-06-24 Packwood
.Net quickies
Sam's baking pie
2003-06-23 The future is (missing | bright)
Mac, mac, mac, mac, mac
2003-06-22 Successful Lisp
How far we've come
2003-06-21 Promote robust code
Aggregator plugins/applets/servlets/???lets
2003-06-20 A VC view of the platform future
2003-06-19 Compositional semantics
Java eats, then barfs Smalltalk's lunch
2003-06-18 Jython + JXPath = cool
2003-06-17 Languages vs protocols
"Stand by for the hurricane": SCO vs IBM
2003-06-16 Interdependent projects in Eclipse
2003-06-13 Why doesn't Sun listen to James?
2003-06-12 java.net: Why should you participate?
Java needs a chief architect?!
"Lisp is the red pill"
Mono and Vault
2003-06-11 MIT New Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
java.net: a monoculture
java.net: "Show us your heart"
2003-06-10 java.net: Sun's answer to gotdotnet.com?
2003-06-09 Frys in Washington State
2003-06-08 Python interfaces and adaptation
Code generation a replacement for AOP?
2003-06-07 What does equivalence mean for XML?
2003-06-06 CoVirt
2003-06-05 Aggregator statistics now on the main blog page
2003-06-04 User agent versions in RSS Aggregators
"Smalltalk failed for a good reason"
2003-06-03 Explicit Programming
2003-06-02 mod_python and pyblosxom
Wired Houses
Eclipse + Subversion = subclipse
Python Tidbits
Haystack Developer Release
2003-06-01 Denial of Service via Algorithmic Complexity Attacks
Stringing ourselves along
More on VMWare and honeypots
[22:57] | [] | # | TB | F | G | 0 Comments | Other blogs commenting on this post
2003-05-31 Multimethods in Python
2003-05-30 Open source is about controlling our destiny
Jon Udell: Titles and XPath help us go back to grade school
One more reason to look at virtual machine software
2003-05-29 JBoss AOP Article
IE and CSS: just bugs? Or something more?
Weblog infrastructure quickies
2003-05-28 More old acquantances
2003-05-27 How do we pay for value?
Operator error
2003-05-26 Home pages vs RSS Feeds
Dates and times in Python
2003-05-25 On linking...
Martin Fowler's Bliki
2003-05-24 Rules for URLs
2003-05-23 My apologies to
Blogrolls and the "inner circle"
Carlos strikes again
OSCON for sure
2003-05-22 "It's all about being the McDonald's of Software"
2003-05-21 SeaJUG: Object Perstence and Model Driven Design
2003-05-20 Why Standards?
The Matrix Reloaded
2003-05-19 Pyblosxom 0.7beta1
RSS Bandit 1.1 and gzip
JBoss 4.0 AOP
I'm not alone...
Americans can't handle death
Google guts
2003-05-18 The functions of journalism are alive and well
More language stuff
2003-05-17 TDD Refs
Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age
2003-05-16 GLR Parsing
Geek Activism
Is there anything that Lisp people didn't invent? 8-)
Public Domain Enhancement Act
2003-05-15 Run, don't walk and get SharpReader
2003-05-14 Maybe the future of the semantic web is LSI
The tech press is gone now...
2003-05-13 Cedric on beautiful code
Magpie joins the gzip club
2003-05-12 More source code as literature
2003-05-11 I won valuable prizes...
2003-05-10 Testing and dynamic typing
macros vs keyword messages
2003-05-09 This is what counts as innovation for Java
Dynamic language tidbits
Chandler chats
Typing: agree to disagree
2003-05-08 Classic programs (to read)
Applications of Continuations
OSAF Chats today
More essays
CPS for Perl
2003-05-07 Blogshare split
Hackers and Painters and me
Typing: does it have to be either or?
2003-05-06 Hackers and Painters
2003-05-05 Gzip support in Newsgator, RSS Bandit and Syndirella, non-support in Newzcrawler
2003-05-04 If this is a mid-life crisis, let me in...
This blog is turning into comp.lang.dylan
2003-05-03 Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software
More on Dynamic Typing
2003-05-02 BillG and Notetaking
FindBugs for Java
2003-05-01 Python libraries?
Brad Templeton on spam
[22:57] | [] | # | TB | F | G | 0 Comments | Other blogs commenting on this post
2003-04-30 Python metaclass help
2003-04-29 RSS Bandit News
Linearity, Code generation and object failure
Hydra envy
Java on CLR?
2003-04-28 A whole keyboard?
Are Dynamic Languages Going to Replace Static Languages?
2003-04-27 Busted keycaps
People that make me happy
2003-04-26 William Gibson is ending his weblog
Unix-Haters Handbook available as free PDF
Aggregator GZIP
2003-04-25 Alan Kay and Squeak
Don Park's Newspaper aggregator
CIO Magazine: Build it Free
2003-04-24 AOP JSR
Visual programming?
Other aggregator news
Fixing aggregators
Wham, bam, thank you Sam!
You never know what log mining will bring
"Bad" RSS readers
Release 4.0
2003-04-23 Ouch.
E-mail more important than telephone
AOP bits
airline day
2003-04-22 Call it "weblog infrastructure day"
RSS 2.0
.NET Yummies
2003-04-21 Chandler 0.1 release
Javascript higher order (than Java)
Eclipse JDT compiler versus javac
2003-04-20 autoping test
Brian Behlendorf on the air
2003-04-19 Dreaming of this aggregator
2003-04-18 John Lam is generating code
Good open source fonts
SFX - The Science Fiction Experience
RSS Content Pipelines or Tuple Spaces
2003-04-17 pyblosxom CVS is now CommentAPI enabled.
2003-04-16 Delta Flat Panels
2003-04-10 Eclipse world domination
RSS quickies
RSS Bandit 1.1b1 is out
2003-04-09 Blogs are about people
2003-04-08 I've been discovered
Try mine?
2003-04-07 RSS Action
2003-04-06 Harvester, SharpReader, and RSSBandit
2003-04-05 "Greatest single programming language ever designed."
Open source and earning a living
Eclipse == JDAM
Languages that support community
2003-04-04 SWT is starting to grow on me.
2003-04-03 Glad to hear Sun is focusing on reliability...
2003-04-02 Language Centric Software Development == Metalinguistic Abstraction
Good Eclipse startup document
Hydra everywhere
2003-04-01 Comments now enabled
[22:57] | [] | # | TB | F | G | 0 Comments | Other blogs commenting on this post
2003-03-31 Another good reason for Java to be open source
Is it April Fools already?
2003-03-29 Nexus, the ASF, and open source
2003-03-28 Topic rolls
Eclipse 2.1 final
2003-03-26 Mozilla tips and tricks
2003-03-25 The Influentials
2003-03-24 E-mail patterns map corporate structure: deja vu
2003-03-23 Your Open Source Plan - do you have one?
2003-03-22 O-STEP Source code escrow
2003-03-21 month-long contacts?
2003-03-20 codehaus
Multimethods in Python.
Multitasking makes you stupid, studies say
2003-03-19 I actually won something
What Should I Do with My Life?
Us too...
2003-03-17 Jardeps == .NET global assembly cache?
Extrovert on Introverts
Did I say that?
Well color me a python newbie
2003-03-16 Fast Python
Haystack and Adenine (python + RDF)
pyblosxom pingbacks
2003-03-15 Squeezed by Python
2003-03-14 pyblosxom comments
Haystack coming
2003-03-12 Copy and Paste finder
Fiber to the home hits Slashdot
Blog software from around the sphere
Io = NewtonScript + Self + ...
That's Jak & Dexter, not Crash Bandicoot
2003-03-11 More on checked vs. unchecked exceptions
2003-03-10 Chandler should be warm and hot
It takes 3 hours to get anything done...
2003-03-09 Crash Bandicoot written in Lisp
2003-03-08 Open source and standardization
Greenspun's not the only one
2003-03-06 Newsmonster reputation in Chandler?!
2003-03-05 The Paperless Office and K-Logs
2003-03-04 I must be doing something right...
2003-03-03 Wireless routers?
2003-03-02 XP and the Paperless Office
2003-03-01 The Dark Side installed
Fiber to the home
[22:57] | [] | # | TB | F | G | 0 Comments | Other blogs commenting on this post
2003-02 [22:57] | [] | # | TB | F | G | 0 Comments | Other blogs commenting on this post
2003-01 [22:57] | [] | # | TB | F | G | 0 Comments | Other blogs commenting on this post

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Ted Leung FOAF Explorer

I work at the Open Source Applications Foundation (OSAF).
The opinions expressed here are entirely my own, not those of my employer.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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< March 2003 >
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