Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Sat, 22 Feb 2003
drools, rules, and Java
Ted Neward discovered drools, and asks if this is an appropriate topic for his new book. I'm not sure whether it is or not because I can't tell if the books is about enterprise applications in general, or EJB in specific. If it's the former then I think that aspects of dealing with business logic are definitely a topic that would belong. My friend Steven Lewis gave a presentation on the use of rule based systems for business logic a few years ago at a SeaJUG meeting. It's an idea worth spreading around.

Chiara left a comment asking for a reference or tutorial to rule engines. Ted's post pointed out some of the other Java engines that are available. Chiara, since you've been digging into Czarnecki, you might want to check out Peter Norvig's Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming. It's in Lisp, but Norvig covers the issues that one faces in implementing a rule engine. Paul Graham's downloadable On Lisp has a similar chapter, but probably a bit more Lispy techy.

One other point worth mentioning. These engines are useful in a wide variety of situations, and I think that drools is a great solution. But it's also an argument for what I've been ranting about in previous entries. Java and the object-oriented programming paradigm are not the nirvana of programming. There are other technologies/paradigms out there that are worth knowing about and using.

[13:46] | [computers/programming/java] | # | TB | F | G | 0 Comments | Other blogs commenting on this post
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