Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Tue, 13 May 2003
Cedric on beautiful code
Cedric's post on beautiful code had a really interesting snippet of Ruby code in it.
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File.new("foo.txt") { | f | # do something with f } # f gets automatically closedThis is an interesting use of blocks. I don't recall seeing this before, but it's very nice. Maybe one day I'll have some time to go play with Ruby. I know a few people who are into it, but Python seems to be the bomb at the moment. And I'm still trying to pry my cold dead fingers off of my parentheses, I mean, Lisp/Scheme code. One other comment in the whole beautiful code/source code as literature thread. My conception of the source code as literature idea was to look more at big programs that were worthy of study, not snippets. I guess if we wanted to take the analogy further, we should be looking at novel, short story, and poem equivalent sized programs.

Magpie joins the gzip club
Kellan e-mailed to let me know that Magpie is supporting gzip encoding.
On my blog, the non-gzipping aggregators with the most hits are:
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- SharpReader
- NetNewsWire
- Radio Userland
- AmphetaDesk
- RSSBandit
- Aggie 1.0 RC5 - supported
- AmphetaDesk - no support planned until after 1.0
- Bottom Feeder - supported
- Channel Buddy - not supported - but private in-house aggregator used by "a total of two people in the world"
- effnews - supported
- FeedReader - unsupported
- Hep - supported in 0.4
- java.blogs aggregator - no plans to implement GZip support
- Magpie RSS - supported as of 0.5
- NetNewsWire - added to feature request list
- Newsgator - support as of 1.2 beta.
- Newzcrawler - not supported
- nntp//rss - supported in 0.3
- ping.blog.gs - awaiting a reply
- Radio Userland - unsupported but Andre Radke has written a plugin supporting gzip.
- RSS Bandit - being worked on
- SharpReader - being worked on
- Straw - supported
- Syndirella - Simon Fell has released a version supporting gzip.
- Wildgrape NewsDesk - support in an unspecified future release