Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Fri, 31 Oct 2003
What is integrated XML support anyway?
Kimbro Staken is wishing for XML support baked directly into a programming language. His criteria are:
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- Seamless XML support. Never having to explicitly parse an XML document
- XPath as a native language construct
- Dynamic conversion between text and parsed representations of the XML.
- XPath manipulation for XML modifications
eliminate the distinction between the string representation and the object representation of XML documents.Their approach generates classes for each of the elements in an XML Grammer (DTD or Schema) and allows for object literals that look syntactically like XML. XOBE also allows XPath expressions for querying the resulting object hierarchies. Erik Meijer and Wolfram Schulte's OOPSLA 2003 submission: Unifying Tables, Objects, and Documents takes a different approach. Meijer and Schulte show how to extend C# (it could just as easily be Java) to deal with relational and XML data. They set forth a number of design principles for their experimental language, but two of the most important are:
- Denotable values should be (easily) expressible
- Expressible values should be denotable

Eclipse Omnibus
Dave Johnson saw these screenshots of Whidbey and
despaired of having such an easy to use environment in a Java based toolset. I don't know if Dave has seen the IBM WSAD version of the HTML/JSP editor, but it can do a lot of what the Whidbey HTML editor can do. If you select rendered HTML and switch to source view, it highlights the tags responsible. It works backwards that way too. Of course, it costs $$$, but so will Whidbey.
In other Eclipse news, codesugar is a new plugin that generates equals(), clone(), toString(), and hashCode() methods.
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