Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...

"The combination of the open source Unix-based core of Mac OS X running on PowerBook G4 high-performance portables has attracted a large number of developers using open source scripting languages like Python," said Bud Tribble, Apple's vice president of Software Technology. "Python 2.3 provides greatly improved support for existing Mac OS X users, and with the upcoming release of Panther, Apple will provide Python 2.3 developers direct access to APIs for the PDF-based Quartz graphics engine and QuickTime image formats."The Mac OS buzz just keeps getting louder. Too bad the market share keeps getting smaller.

- Steve Gillmor and Rajesh Jain both agree that RSS means new life for fat clients. Rajesh has picked up on the Chandler as microcontent client meme.
- Via the Floating Atoll (sorry, I couldn't find your name) another good source for an RSS feed: PhD dissertations. I'd expand that to all theses and technical reports (or the equivalent depending on the field). That kind of leads to the next item.
- Tom Coates observes that daypop and blogdex have been overwhelmed by political posts from the U.S. and calls for balkanizing them, so that there is some opportunity for other ideas to be heard and found. There's a role here for topics and categories. People have been talking about topical weblogs but I'm not sure I'm ready to go that far. I am more than happy to have topical aggregators like JavaBlogs or SeaBlogs, etc. where I can go to trawl for new bits.

Reading Dan's post rang a bell in my head regarding CPS and Static Single Assignment (SSA) form. When I left graduate school. SSA was becoming the IR of choice for compiler optimizations. Richard Kelsey wrote a paper regarding A Correspondence between Continuation-Passing Style and Static Single Assignment, which showed how to convert programs in CPS form to SSA form and the reverse. There are few CPS programs that cannot be converted to SSA, but they are not generated by the usual Lisp/Functional language to CPS conversion algorithm.

Someone at Eclipse should start paying attention...

Eager to get a better comparison, Nick Lothian the author of Classifier4J has put up a web app so that people can test the quality of Classifier4J's summaries.
For a long time I've wanted a text summarizer that I could use as a system service. It looks like there's some healthy incentive for the authors of these three systems to keep improving them. Information distillation, here we come.

- Today is a Mozilla.org day with both Thunderbird 0.1 and Firebird 0.6.1 being released. I installed Thunderbird and got it working against my existing Mail directories from my Mozilla profile. This was actually somewhat urgent because Mozilla 1.4 has a bad GDI leak on Windows, so after some time, the browser and mail reader go belly up. Plus when you open too many tabs in the browser then you can't read mail because the whole suite is locked up. I spent too much time playing with Thunderbird, so Firebird will have to wait, probably till 0.7, because I don't want to hassle with all the extensions and whatever.
- A Mozilla and Thunderbird related tool is Enigmail which is a nice extension for both Mozilla and Thunderbird that lets you use GNU PG. On Windows you can couple this with the Windows binaries for GNU PG at nullify, and you have an entirely open source OpenPGP mail system. I even brought my PGP 8.0 keyrings and everything over. ASF people take note.
- I like thinking tools like outliners. It seems that FreeMind, a Java mindmapping tool has taken some big steps since I looked at it last, especially since they are trying to compare themselves to MindManager, which I've been thinking about buying.
- BEA has a new extensible compiler framework called Javelin. It looks cool but it also looks like a binary license. Fortunately, I know a very extensible Java compiler framework. It's called Eclipse.
- Which brings us to our last tool quickie of the day, which is also related to BEA, but on a happier note. Since it looks like XMLBeans is going to incubated at the ASF, I'm paying more attention to XML databinding than I have in a while. So the Avaya workshop on XML and Data Binding caught my eye.

I was trying to get to something like this for my pyblosxom blog, but it didn't work quite right. So you'll see that my permalinks are in YYYY/MM/DD#NN format, where NN is a number identifying a post. But the #NN part is bad, and I'm probably going to change that at some point.

Nick also has a cool hover trick for the background of the blog entry that your mouse is over.

Jason Brome has cooked up a cool way to make it easier to subscribe to news feeds. I hope that FeedDemon can make it onto the list soon.

In any case, I'm glad to see Adam on line, he's a deep thinker. I personally owe him a debt that he probably knows nothing about, since we've never met. Back in 1998 when I was working at IBM, and Adam was at Microsoft, we both attended an IBM internal XML summit being held at the IBM Almaden Research center. I was there because the group that I was in was about to start working on XML. Adam was there to talk about XML. I was shocked as he stood up and proceeded to tell the IBM folks exactly what they needed to do in order to capitalize on XML. He was right, and the technical arguments and vision that he set out in his presentation played a big role in my getting excited about our assignment to work on XML. That led to our work on XML4J, and subsequently Xerces-J, which led to my involvement with the ASF. So thanks Adam!

One thing that I noticed while reading the pages is that Mac OS X has a text summarization service built in. I've been looking for something like that for a long time. I know that the ATG (Advanced Technology Group at Apple) had one of these lying around. This is a great thing to have as a system service. If one of you MacOS X hackers can confirm this, that would be great.
In the process of reminiscing about this, I decided to do some Googling. It turns out that the Open Text Summarization library being used in AbiWord is now up on SourceForge.