Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Mon, 02 Jun 2003
mod_python and pyblosxom
A Python hacker sent Wari a set of patches to let Pyblosxom run under mod_python. This is very cool. One of the few things I've disliked about Pyblosxom was the implementation as a CGI. Coming from Java / Servlets, it seemed like a step backwards because there's all kinds of information that the server should hold onto in between page hits. Now there's the possibility of doing that. It's awfully tempting to change pyblosxom to require mod_python, but that would probably make lots of people jump up and down. Some folks are already jumping up and down because I used pyxml in the comment system.
I guess I need to go see about mod_python now...
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Wired Houses
Scott Gellock recounts his experiences with his highly wired house. I have a similar abundance of wiring in my house, and I experienced one or two brief problems when we moved in, but nothing like Scott has dealt with. Of course, the company that my builder used is an independent contractor, and I have no idea of they are still around, since I haven't needed them for a few years. Maybe one of these days around here we'll want to install cable or satellite, and then we might need these guys to help us sort out the mess. Reading Scott's post confirms my thinking that we're doing just fine without TV. Who knows, maybe by the time we care, fiber will be knocking at the door.
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Eclipse + Subversion = subclipse
It was two ApacheCon's ago that I sat in Greg Stein's presentation on Subversion, and I've been waiting expectantly as the Subversion team has gotten closer to beta.
Today I saw a posting for Subclipse, which allows Eclipse to use Subversion as a version control system. Subclipse is based on the Svn-Up project, which uses JNI to talk to the Subversion C libraries. While this isn't the optimal implementation for Eclipse (using the Eclipse DeltaV and WebDAV support -- or more likely hacking it up to spec, would be better), it's a lot better than nothing. One side-effect of the JNI implementation is that the plugin is tied to specific versions of the Subversion libraries. All in all, a very welcome project.
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Python Tidbits
O'Reilly has posted a booklet of 8 Python Success Stories. Among the stories mentioned are Industrial Light and Magic, Rackspace, and the Space Shuttle.
pyrepl is a replacement for Python's readline based interpreter loop. The goal of a Mathematica like notebook of repl sheets is very cool.
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Haystack Developer Release
The MIT Haystack group has posted a developer release of their personal information management system. In addition to the PIM aspects of the system, I'm curious to see how UI continuations work out in practice. Beware the 45MB download, though.
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