Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Mon, 17 Mar 2003
Jardeps == .NET global assembly cache?
Andy quotes Markus on jardeps
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Guess what.. I'm working on the same thing only starting from the fetching the jar side. Then storing it in a local repository, then using it for builds, then using it for runtime. I'm hoping to steal some code from JBoss who already have the solution to parts of this problem.I had no idea. I mean, until a day or two ago, I didn't even know what the Global Assembly Cache was. (I still don't know what an assembly is, really -- I've been having too much fun on Python to get to .NET). Markus must have already had the virus... Anyway, jardeps can already do the dependency analysis, jar downloading, and classpath generation. It doesn't do any classloader games yet, although that would be a logical thing to do. The next thing on my list was to try and get the dependency information from tiny little XML descriptors like we've been discussing on repository@apache.org. I haven't done much because I've been waiting to see what happened on repository@ and with the Maven top level project. Hey Andy, why don't we find a way to do this together?

Extrovert on Introverts
Elizabeth Lane Lawley gives an extrovert's take on the introvert / extrovert thing started by Jonathan Rauch's article in the The Atlantic. I found the following excerpt particularly interesting:
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Over the past year, Elouise and I have had a couple of interesting “talks” about our differences in personality type. Most of the substance of these talks, however, has occurred in e-mail or IM. I didn’t give that much thought until last night, when Gerald and I were having coffee with AKMA and his wife Margaret. She was talking about how useful IM is for parents communicating with children at college—particularly when one or both tend toward introversion, since the IM process allows a slower unfolding of the conversation. It was an illuminating moment for me. It made it clear why my friend Elouise and I have been able to have these conversations about different approaches so much more easily in electronic media. The playing field is leveled by the nature of the medium. I can’t fill all the available bandwidth with my excited ramblings—and she can carefully choose her words, making sure that what she says is exactly what she means.I've certainly found that IM is a productive medium -- I usually prefer it to the telephone, which doesn't have that rate limiting effect. This excerpt is giving me some food for thought about how different people handle conflicts:
When we had our first lengthy meta-conversation about these issues, it was touched off by an incident between me and a mutual friend. I'd been pushed a little too hard by this person on a bad day, and I’d behaved in a pretty characteristic (for me) way—I lashed out, and said something really hurtful. I'm not terribly proud of what I said that day, but I knew (and assumed that he would, too) that things said in the heat of the moment like that aren’t that meaningful—they’re like lancing a wound. Something nasty comes out, but then you can heal. But this friend was deeply hurt by my outburst, and his response was to shut down. No communication. Period. When I pushed back, I was told in no uncertain terms to back off. So I told Elouise—via e-mail—how baffled I was by this reaction. With her permission, I’m going to quote from our dialog, because I think it's instructive. She told me: "What helped me keep the friendships I do have, is that in the same way you grew up forgiving and expecting verbal collisions, they forgave and understood the way I’d retreat. (Like a cat licking its wounds). I am not saying either way is particularly healthy. In a perfect world there would be no conflict…but clearly, what behavior is considered appropriate or offensive in anger are opposite." We then went on to have a lengthy exchange about the whole "leave me alone" approach. I said that the longer I went without talking to someone after a fight or misunderstanding, the more I tended to blow things out of proportion, attribute meanings that weren’t really there, and generally create an entire (and often inaccurate) world of hurt to wallow in. She, on the other hand, said that the longer she goes without talking to someone she’s angry at, the easier it is to forget the bad and start remembering the good. Being forced to talk about the event or conflict, to her, was a lot like picking at a scar. The healing had to happen internally, with a barrier against the outside world.But at some point, the healing has to come into the relationship. You can't go on not talking to people forever.

Did I say that?
Joe Gregario said that I've added CommentAPI support to PyBlosxom. Well, that's half true. I'm storing comments in the CommentAPI format. But I don't (yet) have a RESTLog style POSTing API for posting comments. It's on my list, but I may not get to it for a few days yet...
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Well color me a python newbie
Will Guaraldi, one of the pyblosxom developers, mailed to bring me up to date. It turns out that Skip Montanaro's Python Performance Tips only covers up to Python 2.0 and doesn't account for the changes in Pyhon 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 which apparently are substatial. It's a shame that there's not a more up to date version of this document. It would be great to have this kind of information in one place. I guess I'll have to go read the 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 release notes and lurk in comp.lang.python or the python-dev list. If anyone else has Python performance tips that are more up to date, I'd love to see them.
The second inaccuracy that Will pointed out is that we're actually not subclassing dicts in PyBlosxom, we're just overriding the
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and __setattr__
methods on classes. We had a dicussion about subclassing dicts, but this only works in Python 2.2, so we ended up not doing that. The result is that the classes in question behave like dicts (you can do things like config['num_comments']
) and the "dict lookups" can do lazy evaluation, which is the thing that I really liked.