Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
I fenced foil for a few years in high school, before they had all the fancy electronics. Unfortunately I wasn't very good. I had a bad tendency to slap rather than thrust, so I didn't hit hat often. Things would have been much better for me had I fenced saber, where many of those slaps might have counted as touches.
The Olympics is one of the few sporting events that I'm actually interested in watching, although I tend to like the sports that nobody cares about, and I think that the Winter Olympics are actually the real Olympics. But tonight's medals brought back some memories. My foils are still in the garage.

Posted by entertainment news at Wed Aug 18 21:24:15 2004
Posted by Jeff Bolognese at Thu Aug 19 05:33:11 2004
He was fencing epee and had his opponent's blade break during a lunge on his, uh, crotch area. It went through his kevlar pants and gave the old family jewels a pretty bad knock. He put his hand down his pants to give them a rub and it came up with blood! He wasn't too fazed but his girlfriend was there and she was freaking out :-)
Turned out the blade had just pierced the scrotal sac but not hit anything important. He had some tetanus shots at the hospital; apparently the nurses had some difficulty adminstering the shots because they couldn't stop laughing :-)
Posted by Taka at Fri Aug 20 22:50:38 2004

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