Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Wed, 04 Feb 2004
Chandler happenings
Here's a few items from the Chandler repository that might be of interest. (There's lots happening in the CPIA and applications area as well, but I don't want to spoil their fun...)
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- BerkeleyDB store for Lucene It looks like we are going to use a native compiled (gcj) version of Lucene to do free text searching in Chandler. In order to do this, we needed to adapt Lucene to use a BerkeleyDB database as a store. Andi wrote this code and it's been contributed back to the Lucene project, which has taken the code into the Lucene sandbox. There's also the Python layer that exposes the Lucene functionality to Python. People have wondered why we didn't just use Lupy. The problem with Lupy is that it doesn't perform as well as Lucene, and it's basically a port.
- Busy Developer's Guide to the Chandler Repository This document is supposed to help people get started using the repository. If you read it and it doesn't help you, let us know.
- Proposal for Chandler Query System This proposal is the start of our query facility, which will probably be consuming my working life for the next few months. If your interested in this sort of thing, now is the time to drop in and make your opinions known. We got some really good feedback in today's IRC, so don't be shy. I'm not only looking for feedback, but I'm also interested in finding people who'd like to work on building this. So please stop by dev@osafoundation.org or irc://irc.osafoundation.org:6667/chandler and say hi.

Eclipse Omnibus
EclipseCon is running, so here are some reports from EclipseCon, as well as a new Eclipse Plugin site, Eclipse Plugin Central complete with RSS feed.
Also in Eclipse news, here is IBM's Proposed contribution to the Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project. This is the contents of a zip that was posted to the newsgroup -- making it a pain to reference. I hope that the whole system of passworded newsgroups will be done away with now that Eclipse is independent.
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