Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Thu, 08 Jul 2004
Get the vote out!
No, not for November.
For Firefox. The Mozilla.org folks have started a campaign to increase the visibility of Firefox. I think that this will be an interesting experiment on expanding the reach of an open source project via "marketing volunteers".
Even if you don't care about open source anything, at least go vote so that we can start ignoring all the IE related security alerts. And tell your friends and family, too.
[23:29] |
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Collaboration between Industry and Academia
Bryan Cantrill and Werner Vogels are having a very interesting discussion on the relationship between industry and academia. You should be sure to read all of the comments to get the entire context.
I'll only add two bits of my own:
[23:23] |
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- It is only a collaboration if it goes in both directions.
- I think that this discussion should be viewed in light of Rob Pike's Systems Software Research is Irrelevant