Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Fri, 30 Jul 2004
Most of the highlights of my day two involved meetings and discussions with people, so there's not a lot to write about. This year there are lots of people blogging the conference, so I'm sure that there'll be lots of detailed information about interesting sessions.
Cliff Schmidt did a good talk that introduced people to the Apache Incubator. Cliff has a lot of cuts and bruises from his experiences with open sourcing XMLBeans. I've never made it to a Lightning talks session, but i went to the Python talk mostly to see Dan Sugalski get pie on his face. Due to technical difficulties with the preparation of the pie, Dan didn't end up getting pie on his face. But it was interesting to learn how far the Parrot team was able to get on running the piethon benchmarks. I think I'm going to be paying a bit more attention to Parrot, and I hope that we'll see a full set of benchmark results at the end of August.
One other notable event: Anna Ravenscroft and Alex Martelli got married last Saturday and are at OSCON as the first stage of their honeymoon. They met as a result of their involvement of the Python community. I happened to be in the right place at the right time to participate in a toast to their new relationship. It occurred to me that their situation was an indicator of the type of community that has grown up around Python. I wrote a bit about the flavor of the Python community when I was at PyCon earlier this year. For me, this little toast was a great indicator about the quality of the Python community.
[10:04] |
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There wasn't any technical issue with the pie -- there were two, and in fine shape. (As some folks found down in the Apple reception where they ended up being served) Guido chose, quite graciously, to not throw it at me.
Of course, then the perl foundation auctioned off the chance to paste me with a pie (from close range, not even throwing) so I'm getting two now, with a bigger audience...
Posted by Dan at Fri Jul 30 10:53:41 2004
Of course, then the perl foundation auctioned off the chance to paste me with a pie (from close range, not even throwing) so I'm getting two now, with a bigger audience...
Posted by Dan at Fri Jul 30 10:53:41 2004
I was sitting far at the back and didn't hear all of what happened -- someone later explained to me that you were supposed to do something to make the pie more suitable for throwing -- I'm not an expert on pie throwing...
Posted by Ted Leung at Fri Jul 30 11:00:14 2004
Posted by Ted Leung at Fri Jul 30 11:00:14 2004
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