Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Thu, 17 Jun 2004
Ben on Talent Scraping and Wikis
Ben Hyde enumerates some of the qualities of what he calls "talent scraping", which is another name for commons-based peer production, which is called open-source when applied to software.
He makes the tie between these kinds of production processes and process frameworks for facilitating them. The particular process framework that he looks at is Wiki. I find this interesting, because I've mostly experienced Wiki as a technology, not a process framework. In fact, our experience at OSAF is that we've not quite discovered all the necessary aspects of the Wiki process framework. We have lots of pages, and we're coming up the learning curve on the technology of Wiki, and TWiki, in particular, but we're still having a heck of a time really getting Wiki to work for us as an organizational accelerator.
I think that at least one of the aspects that we are missing is the notion of Wiki Gardening.
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Dewey Decimalized Microcontent
Julie's friend Lisa Williams has switched her blog over to WordPress, and at the same time she's started to use the Dewey Decimal system as her categorization scheme. This is a pretty interesting idea. I find the notion of a standardized categorization scheme highly appealing, because it would take some of the guesswork of out finding useful content. The amount of work required to figure out the proper Dewey Decimal category for a post seems like a daunting task. Perhaps that's because I've been reading Mimi Yin's article on Natural Workflow Design, which is part of the rationale for the Chandler UI. I'm very curious to see how this ends up working out.
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Sun Labs TR feed
It looks like Sun is really living up to Jonathan Schwartz's statements about adopting RSS companywide. The latest proof is this
feed for the Technical Reports for SunLabs. This is something I've silently wished for, and this is the first feed of this kind that I'm aware of.
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Down with TypeKey!
Fellow OSAF'er Stuart Parmenter has started a series of posts on his implementation of a TypeKey compatible comment authentication system. This should allow interested parties to build a system that could be used instead of TypeKey.
You'll still need to register with a central system, but at least you'll have some choice.
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