Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
The talks that I enjoyed the most today were Anthony Baxter's talk on shtoom (VOIP) and the much anticipated talk on Starkiller. Anthony's talk hit all the important points and convinced me of the points that he was trying to illustrate related to VOIP and Python. I want to try out shtoom when I get home, and I want to think a bit more about how VOIP relates to Chandler. I met Michael Salib briefly before the Starkiller talk, and got a slight preview of what he covered. He's branched out from just writing a type inferencer (which was already cool) to actually writing a full native code compiler for Python. His work extends Ole Agesen's work for Self, which gives me more confidence that his approach will work. Unfortunately, the code isn't available, and won't be until May, because "I need to graduate". I hope that Michael is able to find a job that would help him to keep working on Starkiller. Of course, as soon as the source is available, people will probably help as well. The PyPy folks showed a demonstration of pypy, which helped to convince the skeptical. I am really happy to see the amount of effort going into Python implementation and I hope that the various projects will learn from and if possible help each other.
The talk that I wished I had gone to was Glyph Lefkowitz's talk on ATOP, which was a lot more related to Chandler than I had thought from the title. Actually, it is a bit of a problem that the titles are hard to connect to the actual subject matter of the talks. I had this problem with Andrew Koenig's talk. In his case, fame (Andrew) lost out to subject matter (I had dinner with Donovan Preston). The content has generally been very good, and via the magic of SubEthaEdit, I can see what's going on in the other track just by looking at their notes as they are being written.
In Chandler related news, Mitch's keynote seemed to be well received. I learned a bit more about his motivations for doing OSAF and Chandler, which was helpful to me personally. There certainly were a bunch of people who wanted to talk to him afterwards, and I saw him engaged in hallway conversations throughout the day. We also had a large turnout for this evening's Chandler BOF. Several estimates put the attendance at around 40, so that makes more than 10% of PyCon that showed up. It was encouraging to see that there's still so much interest in Chandler. The session ran from 9pm to 11pm and would have run longer but we had to bow out. That's enthusiasm. People had a lot of questions and feedback for us.
The most important talks for me tomorrow (today) are the Pyrex talks, because every time I say performance to a knowledgeable Pythonista, the answer I get is "Pyrex".

It would be cool to see some video too ;)
Oh, and btw even video of SubEthaEdit in action, I don't own a mac, and can't try it , but it seem darn cool
Posted by gabriele at Thu Mar 25 07:06:46 2004

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