Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
I was playing around with the new Technorati Beta, so it was inevitable that I would do a search to see the statistics on this blog. Imagine my surprise to be granted a rank around 3090 or so. That's very flattering, but it just seems nuts to me. This is a very geeky blog (I've had friends of mine who are geeks write and tell me they have no idea what I'm rambling about), and I'm sure that there must be way more than 3100 blogs out there that cover much more generally interesting topics. (I bet they are well written too).
Or is the blogosphere much smaller than I believe, and mostly an echo chamber for computer people?

Posted by Simon Willison at Tue Jun 14 00:29:55 2005
Posted by Fuzzyman at Tue Jun 14 08:00:18 2005

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