Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
I finally got around to watching a Ruby on Rails movie I waited so long that I got to see the new improved one. The demo is pretty impressive, especially compared to my web app experience, which involved either JSP (pre struts), Struts, and Python CGI (pyblosxom). The net result is that I'm now more motivated to look at Django, to see if it offers a similar kind of experience. Cool as Rails is, I'm not quite ready to learn Ruby (although lots of people that I respect like it). The parts that look perlish make me break out in a cold sweat. On the other hand Ruby has continuations and Python probably never will, so if I want to play with a continuation based web framework (and yes, I know about Seaside and Cocoon Flow), maybe Ruby will end up in my language pile.
I also have to say that it looked like TextMate has some cool moves. I wonder if those moves translate well to Python.

Posted by Ian Bicking at Thu Jul 28 00:03:51 2005
Posted by hugo at Thu Jul 28 01:06:26 2005
Posted by Vincent Foley at Thu Jul 28 03:39:25 2005
Posted by John P. Speno at Thu Jul 28 06:03:29 2005
I understand the PEP well enough, but I've had no experience with continuations.
Posted by Jay P. at Thu Jul 28 09:11:14 2005
It does have rough edges at the moment, but in overall it does feel slick, nicely designed and easy to use. The automatic good admin generation is a huge time saver, and the generic views look potentially very powerful too.
Posted by Andrew Brehaut at Sat Jul 30 18:24:21 2005
As far as I can tell by glancing through the TextMate website, the only real "advantages" it has over jEdit is that it's a Cocoa application, which gives it all the requisite tie-ins what with Services and so on; plus, it's slightly more intelligent about auto-completion of quotation marks.
An interesting fact of note I just looked up: jEdit's .dmg installer is only 0.1 MB larger than TextMate's, and the .jar is 1.4 MB smaller.
Oh... there are also the free and indispensible Proggy programming fonts.
Posted by Ben Karel at Sun Jul 31 10:41:52 2005
Posted by Jo at Tue Aug 2 02:41:21 2005
Posted by Kendal at Tue Aug 2 02:56:27 2005
Posted by Tim at Tue Aug 2 03:09:51 2005
Posted by Tim at Tue Aug 2 03:10:04 2005

To insert a URI, just type it -- no need to write an anchor tag.
Allowable html tags are:
<a href>
, <em>
, <i>
, <b>
, <blockquote>
, <br/>
, <p>
, <code>
, <pre>
, <cite>
, <sub>
and <sup>
.You can also use some Wiki style:
URI => [uri title]
<em> => _emphasized text_
<b> => *bold text*
Ordered list => consecutive lines starting spaces and an asterisk