Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
I was cleaning up some of my unread tabs in NetNewsWire and I finally got around to watching Jon Udell's screencast demonstrating a GUI toolkit and GUI builder for Javascript based browser applications. This is the sort of thing that I thought needed to happen in order for "AJAX" applications to really take off. I just didn't think it would happen this quickly. I was pretty impressed by what I saw in the screencast. I hope that some of the folks working on open source toolkits have seen this.

Posted by Jo at Thu Jul 7 03:40:09 2005
Posted by Trackback from Gung Ho For UNIX at Thu Jul 7 11:03:52 2005
Only just found this toolkit, but I'm very impressed with the demo. And it's cross browser already.
All we need now is the gui builder 8)
Posted by Mark Andrews at Wed Jul 13 05:05:53 2005
<a href="http://www.computerwire.com/industries/research/?pid=6782AA6B-206A-4BDF-BC24-13452F6872DE&type=CW%20News">http://www.computerwire.com/industries/research/?pid=6782AA6B-206A-4BDF-BC24-13452F6872DE&type=CW%20News</a>
Posted by drfish at Mon Aug 8 12:52:49 2005
Thanks for the pointer. Alex Russell filled me in on a bit of the history at OSCON.
Posted by Ted Leung at Tue Aug 9 00:40:51 2005

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