Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
As a kid, I loved hearing John Banner(Sergeant Schultz)'s rendition of the title of this post. I recently finished Thomas Friedman's "The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century", and I frequently found myself saying "Flat as a pancake" to myself as I made my way through.
If you haven't been paying attention to globalization (as if you couldn't) or are unaware of the forces working to make the big world into a very small place, then I'd suggest getting a copy of The World is Flat and educating yourself. I didn't find that many surprises in the book. After all, open source is one of Friedman's "Ten Flatteners", and I've been reasonably involved in that. Working in open source has given me an experience of globalization every day. I have friends and collaborators in many countries in the world, and have experienced first hand a number of the ideas that Friedman was writing about.
While I didn't necessarily find a lot of new ideas (although the presentation is good), I really valued all of the examples and interviews in the book. It's one thing to know conceptually that something is happening, and even to have some personal experience of it. But the examples that Friedman includes really showed how swiftly and deeply things have changed and how they are going to continue changing.

"Fewer than 2 percent of people around the world have access to the Internet. ... less than 1 percent of people in South Asia, home to one-fifth of the world’s population, are on-line."
from http://www.muslimedia.com/archives/special01/itgap.htm
If these statistics are true (I don't see things changing all that much since 2001), the world must be even bigger than it seems..
Posted by Elliot Lee at Mon Sep 19 17:02:55 2005
Posted by Ted Leung at Mon Sep 19 23:06:29 2005
Posted by Jake of 8bitjoystick.com at Thu Sep 22 11:00:25 2005
Thanks for the book recommendations. As I said, the examples that Friedman uses were what I found useful.
Posted by Ted Leung at Thu Sep 22 23:50:51 2005
http://tapsearch.com/flipflatworld/ ( Those are not potatoe or lady bugs )
For real world commentaries from the streets of U.S.A. , see http://tapsearch.com/tapartnews/
And if you feel "unnetted" ( outside looking in on the celebration by the Free Traders ) see http://www.experiencedesignernetwork.com/archives/000636.html
Posted by Tapart News Advocate at Wed Aug 23 10:27:45 2006

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