Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ok, so Ugo and Joe tagged for this little game:
- I like to eat fish eyeballs
- I love Mangos
- I am scared silly of spiders
- I hate talking on the telephone
- I didn't have my first glass of wine until sometime after I turned 30
Now for the hard part, who to tag...
Sarah Allen, Patrick Logan, Avi Bryant, Allison Randal, David Hobby (Mr Strobist)

After 2 days without power (and therefore, heat), our electricity came back on earlier tonight. Nothing like a 2 day fast from modern life to get you in an end of the year, meaning of life pondering mode...

Congratulations to Chris and Ponzi after their wedding this weekend. Julie has already written a far better congratulations than I could write, and it speaks for our entire family.
Our contribution to the celebration was definitely a family affair. If you've seen some of the other photos floating around, you'll know the part that Julie and the girls played. My part's probably not much of a surprise, and I've started uploading some of the photos that I took to this set on Flickr. There are a ton of photos, and I'm going to spread out the upload over a few days to give people time to digest.