Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
I'm part of a CS book reading group here on Bainbridge. For what seems like forever, we've been reading Joshua Kerievsky's Refactoring to Patterns, which is a perfectly fine book. The main idea is simple use Fowler's refactorings to refactor from one pattern to another or to refactor from no pattern to some pattern. It's a logical progression, and the coverage in the book is good.
It took us quite a while to get through the book because it didn't seem like there was a lot to discuss. Some books have generated enormous amounts of discussion, while others haven't generated as much. A good book isn't always a good discussion book.
If people have suggestions for good CS books that generate good discussions in groups, we're looking for a new book -- we're taking the summer off, so that gives us plenty of time to find a new book.

Posted by Paul Snively at Tue Jul 19 09:45:44 2005
One of the things I miss most about java (I'm mean the eclipse ide) when programming in python is the very nice refactoring capabilities. They put bicycle-repair-man to shame...
Posted by matt at Tue Jul 19 23:22:30 2005

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