Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
I'll be at PyCon starting early(!) Thursday morning - I'm taking an overnight flight, which is something I haven't done in a while. I am looking forward to Titus Brown and Grig Georghiu's tutorial. There's a large amount of Python testing machinery that I just haven't had the bandwidth to look into, so it will be great to benefit from the hard work that Titus and Grig are doing in their tutorial. After that it's the regular PyCon program, followed by the sprints. There are three talks by people from OSAF:
- Brian Kirsch's talk on internationalization in Python, using Chandler as an example, and touching on PyICU.
- Jeffrey Harris' talk on vobject.
- Grant Baillie's talk on zanshin, OSAF's CalDAV client library.
I am only staying for two days of sprints this year, a switch from previous years where I stayed for the entire time. The first three months of the year are just packed for me travelwise, and I had to shorten something in order to stay sane.
This year will be the first time that I'll be at ETech. I am starting with the tutorial day - I am planning to catch the 2.0 edition of Kathy Sierra's Creating Passionate Users tutorial. While I haven't written much about attention, I've been interested in attention like ideas since my first encounters with information overload in the early days of Usenet, and these ideas are obviously relevant to Chandler.
I am not sure how much blogging I will be doing from the conferences, as the "real time conference blogging" has bit me and then gone on to other folks. If the usual suspects show up at PyCon, we will probably do some SubEthaEdit notes as in years past.
Our recent misadventures in Vancouver have made me apprehensive about toting my camera gear out to these two conferences. I haven't made up my mind about it yet. Or more accurately, I keep changing my mind about it. It's fun to shoot conferences, but carrying the gear is a hassle.
Maybe by the time I get back from the road my MacBook will have shipped.

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