Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Tue, 27 Jul 2004
Conference note taking
Stephanie Booth describes her experience taking collaborative notes at BlogTalk. Reading it over reminded me of our experiences at PyCon this spring. It also got me thinking about OSCON next week. Taking notes at a conference is a lot of work, especially if you are the one hosting the notes documents -- you feel like you need to leave your machine running and have SubEthaEdit loaded at all times. With the advent of SubEthaEdit 2, it requires more coordination because you have to worry about which version of SubEthaEdit people are using. I haven't decided how much note-taking I'll be doing this week, but I'm happy to provide some web space for people who want to take notes. If people want to use the template that we used at PyCon, it's here (credits to Trevor Smith).
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Looks like it'll get easier at OSCon this year, as there's been work to directly integrate kwiki and SubEthaEdit:
Posted by Eric Sinclair at Tue Jul 27 04:48:25 2004
Posted by Eric Sinclair at Tue Jul 27 04:48:25 2004
I can't take credit for that template (or for most of the notes) as it was a group effort and emerged over the course of the conference.
The template is handy, but I'd consider starting from scratch and seeing what roles people fall into. I'm not convinced that the structure we came up with fits every con's needs and I learned a lot about collaboration in realtime by starting with a shared blank page.
Posted by Trevor F. Smith at Tue Jul 27 06:40:54 2004
The template is handy, but I'd consider starting from scratch and seeing what roles people fall into. I'm not convinced that the structure we came up with fits every con's needs and I learned a lot about collaboration in realtime by starting with a shared blank page.
Posted by Trevor F. Smith at Tue Jul 27 06:40:54 2004
I'm not sure exactly who came up with the idea or made it happen, but it appears that for OSCon there will be a SubEthaEditable conference wiki, or SubEthaKwiki (via Ted). So, you can fire up SubEthaEdit and see who
Posted by Trackback from Trevor F. Smith: Exterior at Tue Jul 27 06:52:51 2004
Posted by Trackback from Trevor F. Smith: Exterior at Tue Jul 27 06:52:51 2004
Thanks for the history of the template. I used it successfully at PyCon. But as I said, not sure how much I'm going to do at OSCON...
Posted by Ted Leung at Tue Jul 27 10:16:40 2004
Thanks for the history of the template. I used it successfully at PyCon. But as I said, not sure how much I'm going to do at OSCON...
Posted by Ted Leung at Tue Jul 27 10:16:40 2004
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