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Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Sat, 30 Jul 2005
What is it with the blog search engines?
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Tonight I wanted to create RSS feeds of search for blogher and oscon on the big 3 (in my mind) buzz blog search engines: Feedster, Technorati, and PubSub. Here's my review of the user experience.
- Feedster - type the search terms into the box. Hit enter. Drag the XML icon into the right place in NetNewsWire. Grade: A
- Technorati - type the search terms into the box. Click add to watch list. Click view as RSS, which causes NetNewsWire's subscribe box to appear. Grade: B. I had to sign up to get a watchlist (fortunately I did it years ago).
- Pubsub - type the search terms to create an entry in my "subscription stack. Drag the url for the feed into NetNewswire - Grade: A-/B+ Why? Because there's nothing in the search. I have to wait for new posts. I know that PubSub's claim to fame is "searching the future" but I want to have some context too. Plus it seems like there's probably at least one other person out there (Hi Scoble) who setup a blogher PubSub feed already.
eventblogging.com doesn't have entries for these conferences, so it's back to buzz monitoring by hand. It would be great if there was an automated way of doing this...
Update: in the comments Richard Eriksson points out that eventblogging does have an entry for OSCON

Try Blogdigger. I'm not sure why they don't get the press they deserve, but they are:
(a)The fastest specialist search engine to pick up posts (at least according to my tests; see http://www.mackmo.com/nick/blog/tech/2005/6/23/Search_Engine_Indexing_Speed.txt</a>)
(b)As easy to subscribe to as Feedster
Posted by Nick Lothian at Sat Jul 30 01:18:32 2005
Try Blogdigger. I'm not sure why they don't get the press they deserve, but they are:
(a)The fastest specialist search engine to pick up posts (at least according to my tests; see http://www.mackmo.com/nick/blog/tech/2005/6/23/Search_Engine_Indexing_Speed.txt</a>)
(b)As easy to subscribe to as Feedster
Posted by Nick Lothian at Sat Jul 30 01:18:32 2005
"eventblogging.com doesn't have entries for these conferences"
It does for OSCON: http://www.eventblogging.com/aggregator/oscon which aggregates related feeds from PubSub, Technorati, Feedster, Flickr, del.icio.us and so on. The XML button at the buttom lets you subscribe to a bundled feed of all those feeds.
Posted by Richard at Sat Jul 30 17:30:23 2005
It does for OSCON: http://www.eventblogging.com/aggregator/oscon which aggregates related feeds from PubSub, Technorati, Feedster, Flickr, del.icio.us and so on. The XML button at the buttom lets you subscribe to a bundled feed of all those feeds.
Posted by Richard at Sat Jul 30 17:30:23 2005
"eventblogging.com doesn't have entries for these conferences"
It does for OSCON: http://www.eventblogging.com/aggregator/oscon which aggregates related feeds from PubSub, Technorati, Feedster, Flickr, del.icio.us and so on. The XML button at the buttom lets you subscribe to a bundled feed of all those feeds.
Posted by Richard at Sat Jul 30 18:25:37 2005
It does for OSCON: http://www.eventblogging.com/aggregator/oscon which aggregates related feeds from PubSub, Technorati, Feedster, Flickr, del.icio.us and so on. The XML button at the buttom lets you subscribe to a bundled feed of all those feeds.
Posted by Richard at Sat Jul 30 18:25:37 2005
thanks for the pointer -- I (obviously) missed it when I looked.
Posted by Ted Leung at Sat Jul 30 21:01:06 2005
thanks for the pointer -- I (obviously) missed it when I looked.
Posted by Ted Leung at Sat Jul 30 21:01:06 2005
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