Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Sat, 30 Jul 2005
Bloghers leading the way and the conference hasn't even started yet
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I know of no other conference that holds speaker sessions (there may be some but I've never heard of it, so please leave comments if there are some). Almost all the speakers came, and the presentations by Elisa Camahort and Lisa Stone were great. I'll update this post with notes from Donna's post, but frankly, every conference I attend could use something like this, were the organizers give the results of the survey from attendees as they registered (context about who's coming and what they care about.. talk about knowing your audience), common sense tips about speaking and the guidelines for running sessions.
I've spoken at my fair share of conferences (I'm in Portland for OSCON), but I've never seen anything like this. And its way overdue, because lots of conference talks could use improvement. If we have to have the traditional speakerful conference format, at least we can work on improving the quality of the speaking.

Europython 2005 had something related - there was at least one track that concentrated on social skills and social events. One notable talk was a presentation about giving a talk. Too bad most presenters probably missed it 'cos they were attending the more technical talks. It was also given again as a lightning talk in the end.
Posted by Heikki Toivonen at Sun Jul 31 22:45:30 2005
Posted by Heikki Toivonen at Sun Jul 31 22:45:30 2005
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