Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Fri, 01 Aug 2003
Another blogger in the house
A few months ago, Julie, my wife started asking me about getting her own blog. I thought this was a cool idea, but I didn't think that pyblosxom was a great fit for her. My setup is basically cobbled together because I'm hacking on pyblosxom and blogging at the same time. So I said "let me look into some easier blogging packages". In the intervening months, she's periodically dropped small hints about the blog, but I've been too busy with my current project (which I hope to be able to talk about soon) to do a good job of looking at packages. So two weeks ago when she asked me, guilt took over, and I said "let me see what I can do". I went and downloaded Moveable Type, used apt to install a few missing Perl packages, hacked my Apache httpd.conf, and inside of 15 minutes was up and running . Now I *really* felt bad, because it was so easy and I could have done it long ago. I turned over the administration console and said "here you go", and turned back to being a short term workaholic.

Then the posts started coming out. And boy was I proud. She's covering her life as a mom, her reflections on life, and wrestling with the question of what means to live a truly spiritual life. Many of her entries are simple stories of her/our life. I already knew the facts, but her telling has been wonderful. For years and years, Julie has wanted to write, for now it seems that she's found her outlet.

Let me leave you with pointers to some of my favorite posts so far. Most of them are simple tales about our kids, and maybe its just the fatherly instincts in me that make them the favorites. Here they are: "It says WWW....", "My first fish eye", and "WWW continued....". The last post, "I want you", speaks for itself.

I hope you enjoy the blog as much as I have. She's the one who's writing about stuff that counts.

[00:41] | [computers/internet/weblogs] | # | TB | F | G | 0 Comments | Other blogs commenting on this post
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