Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Sun, 23 May 2004
Tell me something interesting.
Nelson Minar switched to using an aggregator (Nick Bradbury's -- I can't say enough good things about it -- FeedDemon) to keep track of all the blogs that he wants to read. Trouble is, that now keeping track of blogs seems like work. Oddly enough, I (mostly) feel the opposite. Back when I was still on Windows, I had a bunch of batch scripts that would open up a pile of IE windows with websites that I found interesting. I'd just run the scripts, and go do something else, while IE killed my my machine. But I found it to be a huge pain to keep track of all those copies of IE.

Now I'm using a combination of NetNewsWire (I use the combined mode exclusively -- no 3 paned mailreader for me) and FireFox+Tabbrowser Extensions (this combination is not particularly stable on the Mac, which one of my few complaints about the whole Mac OS X experience so far). This lets me manage way more feeds than I ever could, and as a result, I'm more inclined to include feeds that are more on the "fun" side as opposed to the "work" side.

When I was a grad student, I had an office mate who used to swivel his chair to face me, and say "tell me something interesting". Having the aggregator running in the background, picking up stuff, means that if I need a moment's diversion, I can just command-tab to NetNewsWire, and say, "tell me something interesting".

[23:59] | [computers/internet/weblogs] | # | TB | F | G | 2 Comments | Other blogs commenting on this post
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