Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Those of you who follow this blog regularly know that usually when Julie is off speaking (at BlogHer this weekend) I am usually running a parallel conference known as DaddyCon. This time that isn't happening, as I was invited to the Free/Libre Open Source Software Project Summit, which is small meeting for people involved with open source non-profits (and not-for profits) to meet each other in person, share information and pick each other's brains. This is something that Mitchell Baker and I (and I am sure many others) discussed last year around OSCON time, but folks were just too busy and it didn't happen.
So kudos to Allison Randal of the Perl Foundation for getting the ball rolling. There are people from the Perl and Python foundations, OSI, the Dojo Foundation, the Gentoo Foundation, the Plone Foundation, the Postgres Foundation, and the Eclipse Foundation. I'm representing OSAF, and standing in for the ASF, since none of the other Apache folks were able to make it. Paula Le Dieu from Creative Commons International is also here and it's been great to have her -- while CC isn't strictly in the software space, there is a lot of shared DNA, and the differences are making for great discussion. If you don't see a foundation listed, there were more who were invited, but people were unable to make the meeting. Based on what happened today, I think its a safe bet that there will be more of these meetings.
The planned topics for the day were various topics related to community and donor. In reality, we ended covering those topics (and many others) just by introducing our foundations and what they are all about. That took up the time allotted for the day, and was really a great thing for building relationships. There are a number of relatively new foundations, and a few people have come because they're not sure if starting a foundation is the right thing for their project to do.
Tomorrow's topics are all related to legal issues, and we have some open source savvy attorneys joining us.
As our family was getting ready to experience the jetset this weekend, we were having a competition over who was going to have the most fun: me at the FLOSSPS, Julie at BlogHer, or the kids at home with relatives. I've checked in with everybody else, and based on the latest reports, each party thinks that it is having the most fun -- a great situation to be in!

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