Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Thu, 17 Jun 2004
Ben on Talent Scraping and Wikis
Ben Hyde enumerates some of the qualities of what he calls "talent scraping", which is another name for commons-based peer production, which is called open-source when applied to software.
He makes the tie between these kinds of production processes and process frameworks for facilitating them. The particular process framework that he looks at is Wiki. I find this interesting, because I've mostly experienced Wiki as a technology, not a process framework. In fact, our experience at OSAF is that we've not quite discovered all the necessary aspects of the Wiki process framework. We have lots of pages, and we're coming up the learning curve on the technology of Wiki, and TWiki, in particular, but we're still having a heck of a time really getting Wiki to work for us as an organizational accelerator.
I think that at least one of the aspects that we are missing is the notion of Wiki Gardening.
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A couple interesting wiki-related entries crossed my radar today.... The first is pointed from Ted Leung, Ben Hyde on Talent...
Posted by Trackback from ...pickhits... at Fri Jun 18 04:56:57 2004
Posted by Trackback from ...pickhits... at Fri Jun 18 04:56:57 2004
I think Twiki has done a huge diservice to the concept and spread of wikis. We have an install at work that not only is something of a wasteland, but has utterly turned off of wikis almost anyone who has come in contact with it.
Wikis are supposed to be light weight, fast, and simple, they are supposed to "agile", encouraging lost cost content creation, and rapid and frequent edits.
Twiki does none of this.
Posted by kellan at Fri Jun 18 11:15:50 2004
Wikis are supposed to be light weight, fast, and simple, they are supposed to "agile", encouraging lost cost content creation, and rapid and frequent edits.
Twiki does none of this.
Posted by kellan at Fri Jun 18 11:15:50 2004
Remember, TWiki is just a tool.
As with many tools, same goes for TWiki (and other wikis): When it is put in the hands of different people in different scenarios you will get different results.
In my opinion, equally important to the Wiki Gardener is the Wiki Champion - if your setup is without a champion, it can only be expected to have a short and frustrating life. This really goes for any kind technology, but it is indeed very visible in a collaboration tool setup, where daily motivation and encouraging is really the whole key to success. Don't blame the technology - it's there to help, but can't accomplish on its own :-)
// Steffen
Posted by SteffenPoulsen at Wed Jun 21 01:00:51 2006
As with many tools, same goes for TWiki (and other wikis): When it is put in the hands of different people in different scenarios you will get different results.
In my opinion, equally important to the Wiki Gardener is the Wiki Champion - if your setup is without a champion, it can only be expected to have a short and frustrating life. This really goes for any kind technology, but it is indeed very visible in a collaboration tool setup, where daily motivation and encouraging is really the whole key to success. Don't blame the technology - it's there to help, but can't accomplish on its own :-)
// Steffen
Posted by SteffenPoulsen at Wed Jun 21 01:00:51 2006
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