Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
We're not subscribers to Netflix, but I like their notion of an "interest queue". In addition to the queue, there's what I'll call you interest working set, which is 3 DVDs. When you return an item from working set, you get the next item from the queue. I'd love to have a queue like this for books, and I'd also like to be able to specify whether queue requests get satisfied via my local library or via Amazon (or your favorite book retailer)
I love books, and I could quite possibly spend the entire rest of my life reading interesting books. When I was younger, I used to just buy books and have huge piles of them lying all over the place. Actually one of Julie's favorite statistics about me is that when we moved from the East Coast to the West Coast (courtesy of Taligent), the movers came and boxed up 57 boxes of books. A fair number of those are still in our garage, and as I've gotten older, I've taken to relying on libraries for as many books as possible. I've also taken advantage of Amazon's integration of used books, to purchase as many used books as possible.
In an ideal book lover's world, I could easily punch books into my book interest queue (I suppose my Amazon wishlist fills this role, except that it's not a queue), and the queue would first try to check the book out of the library for me. If that failed, it would try to get a used copy in good condition, and only after exhausting these two options would it order a brand new copy (it would have to ask first).
I suppose that this would be a great addition to a Getting Things Done workflow application...

Posted by Katherine at Tue Nov 9 06:31:09 2004
It's a great system, and has supported my reading habit for the past two years. My biggest regret is that it took me living in town three years before discovering the library.
Posted by MikeH at Tue Nov 9 11:11:40 2004
Lookup a book in your local library from an Amazon page (or other).
Posted by Julien Couvreur at Tue Nov 9 11:54:55 2004
Also, Ed Summers did another thing with amazon, where it would buy significantly discounted books on his wishlist. You can see it here.
I haven't seen anything with libraries yet...
Posted by Leland Johnson at Tue Nov 9 16:53:28 2004
Even so, what I really want is an integrated list, so I don't have to go visiting all the various sites.
Posted by Ted Leung at Tue Nov 9 22:37:22 2004
I'm a fan of Jon's bookmarklets, and have one that works for my library. As I mentioned in my comment to MikeH, the real issue is integration...
Posted by Ted Leung at Tue Nov 9 22:38:19 2004
Thanks for the pointers. These look like the beginnings of software that could be used to build something like the sysetem I posited. I read 0xDECAFBAD, so I wonder how I missed this -- probably wasn't paying super attention that day.
Posted by Ted Leung at Tue Nov 9 22:40:46 2004
Oddly enough she had just found Shakespeare in XML recently and was trying to do some in-depth analysis of his plays...
Posted by Shane Curcuru at Thu Nov 11 06:05:22 2004
Posted by ed summers at Thu Jan 6 15:32:17 2005
One of the things we are hoping to add in the near future is wish lists, which can help you organize what books you want to read next.
-- Mike
Posted by Mike at Mon Apr 11 14:04:51 2005

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