Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Earlier this week Brent Simmons asked how people manage lots of windows (close them, minimize them, hide them, or Exposé them). Like Brent, I'm mostly a hider. Those years that I spent on System 7 and 8 are still buried back in my brain stem somewhere. I don't close windows because I like to have the applications open and not wait for them to start (although I do sometimes have to wait for them to page in). Minimizing just doesn't work for me -- I don't like the animation -- when I want the window out of the way, I want it out of the way fast. I do use the command-tab application switcher very heavily and find that this takes care of many of my window/application management needs.
I was using virtual desktops, but earlier this month I decided to turn off Codetek Virtual Desktop and see what life would be like without virtual desktops. Surprisingly, I don't feel any less organized without the virtual desktops. That's odd, because I never would have shelled out the money for Codetek (which is a perfectly good virtual desktop solution. Along the way to no virtual desktops, I tried Desktop Manger and Virtue, which I liked less than the CodeTek product.). So for now, it looks like virtual desktops are out of my repertoire of window management tricks.
I'd like to use Exposé more, but I find that all the ways of triggering it are awkward. My touch-typing doesn't extend to the function keys, so I never hit the right one. I've tried the mouse corners, but I don't like having to move the mouse all over my (large) desktop to hit a corner (Fitt's law notwithstanding). What I'd really like is to hold a modifier key and hit one of the extra buttons on my Intellimouse Explorer and trigger Exposé that way. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a utility that will let me assign actions to modified mouse clicks. Perhaps a future version of USB Overdrive will do the trick -- the author seems to have found time for it again.
I also want to train my muscle memory to use Quicksilver to switch apps more often, but a major problem that I'm having with QuickSilver is that that it ends up getting swapped out, and so there's a long delay while waiting for the Quicksilver dialog to pop up.

I only wished Exposé put the title on each window by default, instead of having to select it to see the title.
And I'm a hider/minimizer. I minimize windows I don't want to see, even when I want to see the rest. For exmaple, I run BitTorrrent from the command line in Terminal.app and then minimize those windows.
I don't use Virtual Desktops (tried 'em, didn't work for me), but I do use dual monitors. And I'm away from using focus follows mouse in Terminal. I only miss that sometimes...
Take care.
Posted by John P. Speno at Sun Apr 17 04:14:14 2005
Posted by C.K. Sample, III at Sun Apr 17 08:57:33 2005
I have the corners of my trackpad bound to the Exposé actions. It works very well (I now hate using a real mouse with my powerbook) and I don't really miss the 3 bindings that could be other things.
Posted by Leland Johnson at Sun Apr 17 09:54:03 2005
I have the corners of my trackpad bound to the Exposé actions. It works very well (I now hate using a real mouse with my powerbook) and I don't really miss the 3 bindings that could be other things.
Posted by Leland Johnson at Sun Apr 17 11:20:08 2005
Posted by dda at Sun Apr 17 13:28:55 2005
Also note this nice trick: Once you have Exposéd the Application Windows, you can hit tab to cycle between applications -- they swap in, Exposéd - just mouse over the one you want and click. Boom - that app is in front, and that window is on top. For me, this works better than Exposé All Windows since I often have many applications and windows open and so doing them all makes them really too small.
Posted by Mark Lentczner at Sun Apr 17 17:03:27 2005
You start to think, "Oh, no, I have to go ''all the way over there,'' just to get that task back."
Instead, you just scoot tasks over to the side, or into a big pile.
Posted by Lion Kimbro at Sun Apr 17 22:11:05 2005
I experience some pain from apps swapping out as well. I've often wished there was something like nice(1) for virtual memory. Some way to tell the memory manager to do its best to not swap out a few applications.
Posted by Adam Keys at Wed Apr 20 20:52:00 2005
More memory is on the list.
Which mouse is that?
Yes, I have sidetrack, and have the corners set, but much of the time I'm working off an external keyboard.
Very cool trick. I'll put that in my tips and tricks document, with a pointer to you.
Thanks for the pointer. I think task switchers are different from task bars (like the dock under OS X. Also the bit about corners matches my experience as well.
Posted by Ted Leung at Sat Apr 23 23:57:57 2005

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