Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
First there was Boot Camp.
Today, Parallels shipped a beta of their Windows virtualization product.
So now we get to compare things side by side. Between yesterday and today, I saw a lot of posts advertising blue screens of death on Macs. I haven't tried the Parallels product yet, because I don't want to activate a copy of Windows XP on it. The Parallels product shows that virtualization of Windows and Linux can happen on Intel Macs. There's only one Windows program that I need to run, so I'm not in a terrible hurry to get Windows up, and since the rumor mill says that VMWare is working on a Mac version, I think I'm going to wait until the final versions of each of those products appear and then make my choice. Who knows maybe even XenSource and Microsoft will be in the game at that point.
I want to run Linux this way as well, so that I can (among other things) do testing of Chandler on all three platforms. I"m surprised that Ubuntu didn't appear in the list of supported guest operating systems for the Parallels product.
Nonetheless a good week for people wanting to run Windows (and Linux) on a Mac. You can pretty much have it anyway you want.

Posted by xtian at Fri Apr 7 06:06:47 2006
Posted by Todd Blanchard at Fri Apr 7 12:21:53 2006
Posted by Trackback from evardsson.com: stuff that w0rks: there's a1ways something 2 tw3ak or h4ck . . .! at Sat Apr 8 16:38:25 2006

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