Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Then Don Box dropped off this where you can find F# (OCaml for .NET) and AsmL (an executable specification language for .NET). (As a bonus there's a PDF version of the out of print Concurrency Control and Recovery in Database Systems at the bottom of the page.)
If you then start looking about for Haskell on .NET, you'll find Hugs98 for .NET and Mondrian.
Last but not least, jshell contributed a post which points out Docutils, APE, and Zope 3 as exemplars of Python code. The C source of Ruby is also mentioned. Commenters pointed out Norvig's PAIP, Knuth's work on literate programming), Bentley's Programming Pearls columns (also available as two books, and a wonderful third volume Writing Efficient Programs). I have a half dozen more books that I'd add, but I thought that the goal of this exercise was sizable programs.

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