Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Sun, 03 Aug 2003
Richard Kelsey week, day 3
In the comments to Virtual Machine bits, James asks
One question I'd have about the stuff Patrick points to - does it allow for updating installed software on the fly? It doesn't sound like it does, and to me, at least, that's a full stop. On my site, I'm doing live server updates all the time - it's just the way I work.
Kelsey's work was done in the context of T, an optimizing compiler for Scheme (which I actually used when I was an intern at now defunct Burroughs' now defunct System Development Center in Paoli, PA, not far from my parents). You could do all the dynamic stuff that you expect to do in Lisp or Scheme (or Smalltalk). For the gory details, I refer you to Olin Shivers's excellent [via Paul Graham's website] History of T, which will tell you the history of CPS compilation right up to the CPS/SSA equivalence results.

The Smalltalk folks were able to do amazing stuff with VM's. The Lisp and Scheme people were able to do all that in native code. See mod_lisp, for how you can open a lisp listener on your web server, edit, update, compile,and even disassemble functions while the application is running.

[01:45] | [computers/programming] | # | TB | F | G | 1 Comments | Other blogs commenting on this post
Ted Leung posted about VM's the other day, and Patrick Logan raised some interesting questions. This all piqued my interest, so I asked:

One question I'd have about the stuff Patrick points to - does it allow for updating installed software on the fly? It doesn't sound like it does, and to me, at least, that's a full stop. On my site, I'm doing live server updates all the time - it's just the way I work.

Ted responded today with some details on a Scheme project, and some information on what people can do with mod lisp. Looks like we need a mod-smalltalk module.

Posted by Trackback from Cincom Smalltalk Blog - Smalltalk with Rants at Sun Aug 3 05:08:36 2003

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