Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Wed, 23 Mar 2005
PyCon Subethaedit notes
[08:42] |
[computers/programming/python] |
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Lots of the usual suspects are back from last year, so there is a decent sized effort to provide you with notes of the PyCon 2005 sessions. PyCon is much larger next year, so one of the auditoriums has not wireless, which may hamper getting transcripts of some of the larger talks.

I'd recommend the conference kit
and the corresponding HTML export for better readability of the notes.
Posted by Dominik Wagner at Wed Mar 23 15:26:10 2005
I'd recommend the conference kit
and the corresponding HTML export for better readability of the notes.
Posted by Dominik Wagner at Wed Mar 23 15:26:10 2005
I don't really know of a particular polite way to say this, but can you please please remove your blog from javablogs? You talk about everything but java, and while java namedropping could be (barely) tolerated, name dropping of people who have absolutely nothing to do with java gets quite, quite boring after a while.
Posted by Hani Suleiman at Thu Mar 24 06:21:14 2005
Posted by Hani Suleiman at Thu Mar 24 06:21:14 2005
I didn't know the word polite was in your vocabulary.
Posted by Ted Leung at Thu Mar 24 08:48:09 2005
Posted by Ted Leung at Thu Mar 24 08:48:09 2005
Alas, I didn’t make it this year. This is quite unfortunate, but I had other commitments that prohibited my taking...
Posted by Trackback from Pensieri di un lunatico minore at Tue Mar 29 13:10:29 2005
Posted by Trackback from Pensieri di un lunatico minore at Tue Mar 29 13:10:29 2005
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