Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Sat, 19 Jun 2004
Northwest Python Sprint
Today I hiked over to Bellevue for the first Pacific Northwest Python Sprint. The group was small but dedicated, including a group of hardcore folks who drove all the way from Portland for two days of Python hacking.

I was surprised to see the r0ml, aka Robert Lefkowitz, joining us for the sprint. Regular readers may remember that I was quite taken with r0ml's talks at OSCON last year, so I was quite excited when I saw his name on the wiki signup page. Imagine my surprise during the introductions when he recognized who I was. Perhaps this blog is good for something after all. I discovered some other interesting connections as well. It turns out that r0ml is the father of Glyph Lefkowitz, one of the leaders of the Twisted project. When r0ml told me this, there was a very long and amusing moment where my jaw worked wordlessly while my face displayed utter stupefaction. It just never occurred to me -- bit it was good for a laugh. I also discovered that he is, like me, a Lisp person looking for a a home. (In fact, there was at least one other such person present today).

We started the sprint with a series of lightning talks which covered, roundup, buildbot, sqllite, and Chandler. After that, we threw out ideas for sprint projects. There was a large interest in sprints involving Twisted, and not much interest in doing stuff around the Chandler repository (unit tests -- it's hard to have much to do in a single day), so I ended up getting sucked into one of the Twisted sprints. This is a good thing for me, because we just started using Twisted in Chandler, and I needed some good hands on experience. The project I ended up working on was to try to Rendezvous-enable Twisted code. We looked at pyzeroconf, a pure Python implementation of Rendezvous. I was able to scaffold out a small amount code for how to advertise a service via Rendezvous, as well as use Rendezvous to lookup a service and then connect to it. There was a bit of a learning curve -- I had to learn both pyzeroconf and bunches of twisted. It helped that we had a brief run through the Twisted finger tutorial before lunch. It still remains to be seen how to actually modify Twisted so that this functionality is built in. We were unsure whether or not we would have to Twistify pyzeroconf in order for this to be done right. Code for the various projects is going up on the SeaPIG Subversion server.

[23:54] | [computers/programming/python] | # | TB | F | G | 5 Comments | Other blogs commenting on this post
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