Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Last week Jon Udell wrote a post titled Open source education describing how the transparency of open source projects can be a great value for people who are various degrees of learning about the field of software development.
Open source software development, to a degree unmatched by any other modern profession, offers apprentices the opportunity to watch journeymen and masters at work, to interact with them, and to learn how they think, work, succeed, and fail. Transparency and accountability govern not only the production of source code but also the companion processes of design, specification, testing, maintenance, and evaluation.
As the parent of small children, I would live it if kids are able to gain this type of insight about the fields that the choose to enter, before they enter them. Modern society is increasing the pressure on young people to make up their minds about what they want to do earlier and earlier in life. It (now) seems insane to me to slot young people into careers so early in life. I am fortunate that I am able to work in a field that I really enjoy, but I didn't really have a good idea of what it would be like to work in software before I got there. Judging from the number of people that seem to merely tolerate, or even hate their job, I'd say we're in need of a better way of helping young people figure out what the want to do when they grow up.

A start of my career in software industry was a bit of accident, but I love my daily work, as well all my free-time occupations in free software world. Same thing may occurs to anybody, in another profession.
Anyway, now she is very proud of his dad being a computer programmer, as noone of her friends has such opportunity to watch how all these fun things they love come into life.
Posted by Jarek Zgoda at Thu Jun 15 01:56:26 2006
It wasn't that long ago that most (99%+) young people even had a choice as-to what they would do in life. And they would start work at thier professions much earlier than we expect youngsters to do now.
Indedd, even in the year 2006, our children are extremely lucky to be growing up in the west, where they have options about what to do in life, and the wherewithal to pursue those options.
I like that my children will not have to think about a career until they are in their late teens.
Posted by rcriii at Thu Jun 15 14:17:20 2006

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