Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Sat, 30 Oct 2004
The first leg of travel weary
We just got back from a week long car trip to Los Angeles, to hook up with my parents, and many of my relatives on my father's side. Julie and I haven't been down to visit since we moved up to Washington, and neither Micheala nor Elisabeth has met any of their relatives on that side. So we packed up the car, drove down, hung out for a few days, and then drove back. A few highlights:
[23:00] |
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- Multiple very large Chinese meals in restaurants and homes of relatives. As Julie put it, "we haven't eaten breakfast, lunch, or dinner in the same place all week"
- Michaela slipped on a rug and hit her head on a metal railing. We had a quick trip to the local hospital for stitches. Michaela is a *tough* kid. The ER doc barely gave the local anesthetic a chance to work before he started on the stitches -- she barely reacted at all (she said "oowee", and that was it, no moving, thrashing, etc).
- Meeting my nephew/cousin Eliot in person, and having a chance to chat about computers, school, etc.
- The kids now know the names of all the fast food chains available on I-5 from Seattle to LA. Elisabeth has learned to say "Burger King", the clear favorite.

wow, that sounds pretty wearysome... wearymaking... ok, ok i mean tiring... i'm sorry for Michaela's injury. i'm sure she'll heal up well. looking forward to seeing julie. God Bless You for doing Daddycon II...
Posted by enoch at Sat Oct 30 23:23:16 2004
Posted by enoch at Sat Oct 30 23:23:16 2004
While it is wearying (in the sense of physically tiring), the trip was sure a lot of fun. I also look forward to the other trips, just not the being away from home part.
Posted by Ted Leung at Sun Oct 31 08:46:11 2004
Posted by Ted Leung at Sun Oct 31 08:46:11 2004
Last week we drove to Los Angeles to visit relatives. Ted posted his notes. Below are excerpts from my journal... Pommelo Sunday Our first stop was a one-night stay with old friends near Portland who introduced us to pommelos. Gigantic...
Posted by Trackback from Julie Leung: Seedlings & Sprouts at Mon Nov 1 02:17:13 2004
Posted by Trackback from Julie Leung: Seedlings & Sprouts at Mon Nov 1 02:17:13 2004
DaddyCon is my whimsical name for what happens when Julie goes to BloggerCon. For the last one, see
Posted by Ted Leung at Thu Nov 4 09:36:22 2004
DaddyCon is my whimsical name for what happens when Julie goes to BloggerCon. For the last one, see
Posted by Ted Leung at Thu Nov 4 09:36:22 2004
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