Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Long time readers will know that I've been nosing around for a Bluetooth headset for quite some time. I was looking at the Jabra BT250 series, but the reviews seemed uneven. The Nextlink Bluespoon AX has looked like a candidate -- the reviews I've seen are pretty good. Then I saw the Motorola HS820, which also got good reviews. Today Erik Thauvin posted his mini-review of the Jabra BT800, which looks pretty promising. One of these days I'm going to take the plunge.
I'm looking for a headset that I can use both with my Nokia 6600 and with iChat A/V and Skype on the Mac. The primary usage mode will be with the computer, although being able to use the cell phone simultaneously is important to me as well.
Also, readers of Julie's blog will know that our digital camera has met its demise. So we are looking for a new camera -- the criteria are mostly reasonably small size, fast shutter lag, and a longer zoom. Right now the leading candidate is the new Canon A520/510 (reviews here and here). It's not Digital Rebel or D70, but Julie's done a great job on photos for her blog with a far less capable camera (Canon S10).
Suggestions on either of these counts would be welcome.

Posted by Stuart Henshall at Wed Mar 23 10:48:11 2005

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