Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
The one problem is that I can't sync my telephone using Bluetooth. I can make GPRS calls, but the Nokia Outlook sync package needs a newer version of the firmware for the 6310i, v5.50. This is well documented on ATT Wireless support forums and all over the internet. It turns out that there is one Nokia Service Center in the entire Pacific Northwest, Kester Communications in Woodinville (on the other side of the water). It also turns out that they don't do software/firmware upgrades. So my only recourse is to send the handset to Nokia for 7-10 business days. I'm going to be travelling quite a bit in November, to the LA area and to Las Vegas for ApacheCon. Surely there is one Nokia Service center in these metro areas that can do a flash upgrade for me...

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